Thursday, October 23, 2008


I would like to start out by saying I am rather suprised by podcasting. Before taking EDM 310, I had heard in podcasts, but I had never really been interested. I was suprised at how informative and interesting podcasts can be. I think they are excellent resources for teachers to use. It is especially helpful for teachers looking to start the process of using technology in the classroom. Podcasts are great for teachers who are running short on time, which are most of the educators in our nation. If a teacher wants to learn information about a topic, they can download the podcast to an ipod or cd. In my personal opinion, it is a great breakthrough in technology.

The most interesting of the assigned podcast I listened to was the Smartboard Lessons. This was created by Ben Hazzard and Joan Badger brodcasting from Canada. I liked the interaction between the two of them. It seemed to keep me interested. It is easier to listen to the multiple-speaker podcast then the single-speaker podcast. This podcast gave teachers ideas on effective ways to use the smartboard in the classroom. They explained the teachers should keep the material interesting. Especially if he/she uses the smartboard often. They mentioned using different backgrounds, timers, and bright colors to fraw the students attention to the smartboard.

When speaking on the same subject, they told educators to let the students come up and give their ideas about the lesson on the smartboard. This is an excellent idea, because it is reaching another aspect of the learning process. It is engaging students and allowing them to give their point of view. Ben and Joan told teachers to engage in video conferences. This lets students see other people's ideas about the subject they are convering.

It was hard for the KidCast speaker, Ben Schmit, to keep my attention. I did not like him being the only speaker. Not necessarily because he was the only speaker, but he was simply not entertaining to listen to. He used his podcast on informing teacher on how to use podcast and gave tips to use when recording and making podcasts. Then, I listened to This Week in Photography. These speakers are very entertaining. The portion I listened to they were talking about Cameras.

All and all, most of these podcasts were intructing teachers on how to use the technology. This is very useful, because many of the current teachers do not know about all of the recent technology. It will help the educators engage in a new world of learning.

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