Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fischbowl, 2nd post. A Formula for Success?

To sum this post up, I would say the writer is asking if educators or teaching math correctly. The way students should be learning not if they are doing it wrong. As a current student and future educator, I agree. Most students learn formulas and methods of solving equations, but never have to use the methods.I,myself,have taken Maths such as Calcuis and Trigonometry. I enjoy math. It has always been one of my favorite subjects, but to be honest I do not remeber alot of the formulas and methods I learned, or should I say memorized for the claass.
I agree with the blogger in that we should teach students math that applies to everyday life. In my opinion, it does go deeper than adding, subtracting, and dividing. We should continue to teach our the same methods, but also teach them how to use it at their jobs, home, and everyday life. My Trig teacher told my class that we would never use Trigonometry, except for his class. Not trying to give the teacher a bad reputation, because he was an excellent teacher. The statement that he made gave me little inspiration to learn the material.This is why Ibelieve we should teach the students the concepts, and show them how to use it.

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